Wreck it Ralph 2 (coming soon)



Wreck-It Ralph combines Pixar-esque storytelling with modern and nostalgic video game influences – and even subtle jabs at less-admirable aspects of gaming culture – giving rise to a film that’s managed to impress hardcore gamers, CGI-mation fans and even some of those ‘snobby critics’ who wouldn’t be caught dead playing something like Call of Duty (much less, an old-school arcade title such as Pac-Man or Donkey Kong). So, why wouldn’t Disney want to make a sequel?

Well, it turns out that studio “muckety-muckets” (as Ralph voice actor John C. Reilly calls them) and director Rich Moore have indeed begun to toss around ideas for Wreck-It Ralph 2.

Ralph opened here in the States over a month ago, but remains in the top 10 at the box office and could match its $165 million budget as soon as this weekend. However, it has yet to open in many of the more lucrative foreign markets, which accounts for why Reilly, Sarah Silverman (who voices Vanellope von Schweetz) and director Rich Moore are still out and about promoting the film.

Silverman and Reilly assured Moviehole that Wreck-It Ralph 2 is on the way, with the latter pointing to the first computer-animated toon’s record opening weekend (it squeaked past Tangled, to become Disney Animation Studio’s best premiere). Reilly also playfully knocked-on-wood with a crack about how “They wouldn’t make [all that] merchandise, if [Disney] didn’t have plans for other [Wreck-it Ralph] stories.”


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